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I-cords don’t always have to be knit - they can be purled!

In this tutorial I’ll walk you through how to make a reverse stocking stitch, or purled, I-cord. It’s pretty much the same as a standard I-cord, with a couple of key differences.


1) The purled I-cord starts the same as the standard method - using your regular cast on method (I use the cable cast-on) cast on 3 sts onto the first DPN.


2) With the 2nd DPN, purl those 3 sts. Do not turn your work when all 3 sts have been worked.


3) The key difference with this type of I-cord is where the yarn is when you’ve finished working those 3 sts - with this one it’s at the front.


4) You’ll need to take the yarn around the back, under the needle tip, and pull it fairly tight. This I-cord can be a little looser in tension than it’s knit sibling and keeping the yarn snug as you take it around the back helps keep it even.


5) and slide the sts along to the other end of the DPN needle; your right hand needle will now become your left hand needle, and vice versa, ready to knit again.


6) Repeat this over and over, always remembering to not turn your work, and instead slide the sts to the other end of the needle, and to take your yarn behind ready to start knitting again.


As always, if you have a question about this technique or need some help with it, leave a comment below! I’m afraid I’m unable to offer help via email or private message but you’re welcome to post in our forums.

The photos in this post were updated on 29/1/2021

AuthorWoolly Wormhead