Hearing bout reviews of my books always cheers me up, so if you’ve written a blog post about my work or talked about one of my books on your socials, please do get in touch to let me know! Likewise, if you’re interested in reviewing one of my books, I’m open to chatting about it with you.

This latest review is from A Bee in the Bonnet, a knit designer and blogger. And it’s all about Cuboidal!

You can click through and read Lauren’s review on her blog. She made a Basalt and having never knit mitred squares before, I reckon she’s done an amazing job!

“This collection is, quite frankly, a masterpiece of both design skills and technical writing.”

Thanks for your review, Lauren, and I’m glad my approach to writing this collection worked for you so well. And that the tutorials gave you everything you need. Once you’ve started with mitred squares it’s kinda hard to stop at one project ;)

And during the Fasten-off YAL sale period, that ends 8th December 2022, you can get 25% off the Cuboidal collection - and any of my other eBooks and patterns - with the code FO2022!

AuthorWoolly Wormhead