Granted, it's not a database, only a product name search, but it will make things a whole lot easier to find the pattern you're looking for.

Image shows a screenshot of the Woolly Wormhead store on Payhip. To the top left is Woolly Wormhead’s logo, and to the top right the search and cart buttons. There are 3 Woolly Wormhead patterns in view, showing images for Daedalus, Circe and Echo.

Image shows a screenshot of the Woolly Wormhead store on Payhip. To the top left is Woolly Wormhead’s logo, and to the top right the search and cart buttons. There are 3 Woolly Wormhead patterns in view, showing images for Daedalus, Circe and Echo.

Payhip have been listening to their users and building in new features which is earning them a lot of respect, especially amongst the knitting community. I've not done a great deal with my storefront yet in terms of customisation or things like linking up The Woolly Hat Society but the fact that they've done this, and continue to add new features, means I'll likely keep using them as an outlet once the new website is finished.

While the coupon feature is still limited to what we're used to on Ravelry, any coupon codes and discounts I offer will still be valid on purchases made through the new Payhip store. I'm hopeful that in the future new coupon options will be forthcoming as well as other store features, like listing products alphabetically or by popularity or recently added etc. They have some interesting referral discounts which I should look into, too.

The fact that they automatically make adjustments on VATmoss rates for eBooks (I cover the cost of VAT, not you, which means I earn more on an eBook sale via Payhip than any other platform at the moment) and allows sellers the option to offer B2B sales (which means as a VAT registered business I can buy digital products via Payhip and not pay extra if the VAT is exclusive, or a seller doesn't have the VAT deducted if it's inclusive, and vice versa). Which is a long way of saying I like platforms that understand VAT and provide wider options - that goes a long way in my book.

Why yes, VAT is still occupying too much brain space given that I'm a British citizen living in the EU with a European business registered in a different state to the one I live in and Brexit and changes to VATmoss are colliding! *sigh*. More about that another time, should I ever get the words untangled.

Knowing that we've had another delay in the website build, we're working on creating a searchable spreadsheet that anyone can access that'll go some way to make up for the loss of access of the Ravelry database in the interim. This has taken some time to get ready as there's a shit tonne of pattern data(!) and we've needed to make sure everything's in, tidy and usable. I hope to have more on that very shortly, but once it's done I should be able to link to it from the front of the Payhip store for convenience, as well as my IG profile, from this blog and website, and more. I know the loss of access to the Ravelry database has been a real blow, searching for the right pattern for your yarn or size or skills is mighty difficult without it. We’re working on our own Hat-focused alternative, and despite the setbacks and hiccups, we’re moving in the right direction.

AuthorWoolly Wormhead