The brilliant Louise is helping me get organised and manage some areas back stage. We've been working together for a wee while, but it's about time I mentioned it as today she's hit 'send' on review copies of Painted Woolly Toppers for Kids going out to bloggers, dyers, editors and podcasters!


If we've missed you, or you'd like to join in the fun and review the book, please send us an email via the contact form and we'll get back to you.

This shot is a favourite of mine - I've used it on the back cover of the book, as I just love the way the light falls, and the way the robot is guarding the precious Hats. The robot does feature in the book a little and there are details included about the artist, too.

Painted Woolly Toppers for Kids will also go on pre-release this week! Slowly over the next week or so I'll introduce the Hats, share some photos and background, and you'll be able to buy the eBook (that's also bundled with the singles) for an early-bird discount. Once my editors are happy that the eBook is sparkly and ready, it'll be published and the price will revert to it's usual of £10/$16.

There's lots to tell you, and I'll be taking my time, don't worry :)

Thank you for your support for my last blog post. Knowing that I can say out loud that I need a little help and that I need to lean a little helps a great deal. And knowing that the Ravelry group is there for support makes a BIG difference - it's not just there for pattern help and queries, it's a brilliant and supportive community, and always worthy of a visit.

There's still more that I'd like to do, to streamline some areas such as provide direct links to support/discussion threads, and that's going to take time. It's amazing how much back-end non-knitting admin type things happen in a creative business, and an awful lot of it comes in via email. This is something I've long since battled with, as although I know it's an essential part of the job, keeping the balance isn't easy, and it's this aspect that eats away at you more than anything else. It's not that emails are bad or that I don't want to hear from knitters of my Hats, I think it's that the volume can be overwhelming and you lose touch with the tactile things that bought you to this point in the first place. My health has forced the issue before I've had time to put everything in place, but we'll make it work somehow.

Anyhows, that's me for today. I'll share a little about the Hats here and on Instagram, and I will of course let you know when the eBook is available! (soon; very soon)

AuthorWoolly Wormhead