As mentioned in my previous post, the Community Pattern Fund is an initiative designed to let folks who have the means sponsor free eBooks, ePatterns and now eWorkshops for folks who don’t.

There’s been some updates today and I thought I’d let you know what they were.

Firstly - there are now 6 community fund patterns at various price points, all of which are converted to credits for various digital products. They are:

MS Slouch - $8, a credit for one third of an eBook

Beanie Bopper - $9, a credit for a single pattern

BibBob - $12, a credit for half an eBook

Alata - $23, a credit for a full eBook

Sideways Bobble Hat - $25, a credit for either half or a third of a workshop, depending on workshop value

York Slouch - $75, a credit for a full workshop of the same value

Secondly - these are all now available on Payhip! I’ve set up a special collection group on Payhip so that they’re easier to find.

I’ve also created a Community Pattern Fund source on Ravelry for similar reasons. I’ve had a number of emails and comments since I posted the $75 CPF pattern and I’m hoping that creating the source and grouping them this way will help folks understand what the prices mean.

Every single pattern listing explains that there’s a free version available, with a link to it, and why there’s a premium version but that hasn’t stopped the emails - hopefully the sources will help! Most of the emails aren’t bad, there’s been a couple of complaints, but mostly it’s folk telling me there’s an error because the prices must be too high.

And thirdly - each of these eBooks has been updated in the shiny new layout! They’ve each got a front cover, an ISBN and a refreshed back cover with helpful links. They’ve also got the latest versions of the premium tutorials. The premium tutorials will be offered as download links in all of my other premium single patterns going forward, and I can totally do that with these if folks prefer, but currently they all have the tutorials merged into one PDF for convenience.

I have wondered about adding other price points, or even creating other eBooks so that each price point has a choice of two patterns, but right now that’d be too much admin for me to keep track of and I really need to make this easy for me as well as for you. Maybe when the new website is finished I could potentially host the CPF patterns here only, which would make tracking sales so much easier, extra products could be possible. But I won’t be adding to these for a while. I’m not sure folks who generously buy the CPF patterns want a choice of patterns anyway?

As always, feedback welcome!

AuthorWoolly Wormhead