It’s been a long while since any of my publications were available in print, and I’m proper excited to be sat here writing a post about new print options!

These 6 collections, from top-left - Circled, Elemental, Inversion, Convergence, GS The Remixes and Imperceptions - are now all available in print to purchase wholesale from Deep South Fibers.

Some of you may remember that many years ago my patterns used to be available in print through DSF, and that I used to go to TNNA to help promote them. I always had a good working relationship with DSF and used to enjoy going to the shows, but it was hard work and didn’t really pay off, so I stopped working with them because it was time to try different things.

Then when I moved my business to Estonia to brexit-proof ourselves I had to pull away from the print-on-demand systems I’d been using as it wasn’t compatible with the new accounting system. Late last year that changed and I was able to open up my Magcloud shop again, but it really felt like these collections needed a print push that I couldn’t give them.

I’ve personal copies of a couple of them in print and they very much have that zine-like feel that Zab and I first envisaged when we started working together on Circled. I wanted to take things in a different direction and we totally pulled it off - these collections, and the designs obviously, completely changed how my business was structured and that made me mighty happy.

Then one day I’d received a friendly email from Deep South Fibers about royalties for old stock they still had, like I often did, and I just thought - this is what I need to do, this is what these books need.

Their business has changed so much since I last worked with them, likewise mine. The print market is no different to the digital market in that it’s a constantly changing beast, but I know that DSF know their stuff. They know their market and I know I’m in safe hands.

After several months back and forth sorting out the various details, not to mention the great reformatting and getting everything ISBNs, the first 6 collections are ready to go.

If you’d like to see your local yarn store stocking my books then do let them know that they’re now available through Deep South Fibers! They ship worldwide, too - it isn’t just US shops that will benefit from this.

There will be more titles to follow, we’re currently polishing up Get Garter and Lateralis for print. And it’s possible that once the great reformatting of the single patterns is done - I’m almost there! - that some of my most popular individual patterns will make it into print, as some pretty big hints have been dropped about that! I can’t focus on that right now though, there’s enough to be done, but if you’d like to see more titles in print please encourage your local yarn stores and I’ll see what I can do.

Yey for the return of print! These really are rather special on paper.

eta/ I’m not listed under the ‘D2’ section on Deep South Fiber’s website because I can’t in good conscience provide download links to Ravelry only, given how inaccessible their new site is and the problems many users continue to experience. Once my new website is up and running I’m going to look into what options I have in terms of single use codes but for now, they don’t come with a digital download.

AuthorWoolly Wormhead