Use code 'seeya2017' to get 30% off ALL digital products in my Ravelry and Etsy stores, and right here on my website too. The code is valid until midnight (GMT) 16th January.

Please do share and spread the word as the January Sale helps us in So Many Ways!  (last year it kept us clothed and fed until autumn - amazing, thank you!)


I'm blogging from a hotel room in Ahmedabad in Gujarat where the sun is shining and we have great city views. Today is scheduled rest day and we're catching up with the world (WiFi permitting - everyone's online new years day!)

 I won't be back in the studio until 22nd January so if you need anything do pop over to my Ravelry group - I won't be checking any email between now and then.

Here's looking forward to 2018. I hope everyone has a healthy and safe new year.  

 I'll share more as WiFi/data/app permits!

AuthorWoolly Wormhead