Woolly Wormhead

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We're underway!

Thanks to everyone who took advantage of the special budget booster sale, the website build is underway with the new developer!

It’s been incredibly busy back-end as the new build gets underway. I’ve managed to get back some of the deposit paid to the previous developer, and I’m relieved that things there have ended amicably.

Since signing with the new developer, we’ve had several meetings about needs and requirements, and I have learnt so much! We’re getting regular updates to our Slack group and being kept in the loop about everything. That communication is going a long way to reassure us and honestly, all of us involved in the project management and data juggling that’s been quietly ticking away for the last two and a half years are feeling the relief.

The build is estimated to take 3 to 6 months, and that includes testing, so all being well we should be live for the coming winter season in the northern hemisphere!

I am SO looking forward to having closure on this. It’s dragged on way too long, occupied way too much brain space.

And honestly, I can’t wait for you to have a new site to use! To have access to hundreds of translated patterns - Czech is all done, Italian a good way through and French making progress! And all the reformatted patterns with their shiny new tutorials and download links - we’ve put an incredible amount of work into this, into updating the business and patterns, and we’ve not been able to shre much of it yet. I am seriously looking forward to getting all of this live. Once that’s done, I can dive back into getting select patterns ready for print distribution and start working on more large print and screen-reader accessible patterns.

And then, maybe then, I’ll have enough bandwidth left to start working on some new designs. Things are finally starting to look up.