Woolly Wormhead

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Your support was brilliant!

The ANPI fundraiser from a few posts back finished at midnight CET saturday evening, and the total sat at €1330. That amount has now been transferred to the local branch, in Santarcangelo.

As I said before, ANPI are a registered charity in Italy. And they are more than just an ant-fascist organisation.

I learnt recently that they help support legal cases against hate speech and prejudice. They are literally doing all they can to fight hate, prejudice and the consequences of these actions. They are promoting peace and collaboration across a wide spectrum. And they need all the support they can get.

I've spoken with members of the local branch since the total was announced and to say they're bowled over would be an understatement. Your support will help victims of hate crime, help promote equality, cooperation and collaboration, and provide much needed support to marginalised groups.

Thank you.

I'm thinking about further ways I can help, perhaps auctioning some of my samples, but I need to get to grips with the new business system and find out how charity donations work within that. Once I've got it straightened out, I'll see what I can do.