Woolly Wormhead

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Another special guest post for the 10th Anniversary tour

The last guest post for the 10th anniversary tour is from Silvia. Many of you will recognise Silvia - and for a long time I think many people thought I was Silvia, as she was a consistent face on my patterns! She was the first model I started working with when I moved to doing the photography myself on people (rather than polystyrene heads) and in many ways, my photography grew with her.

She no longer lives on the Yard but I managed to catch her when she popped by for a visit, and asked her to write something to share here today.




Prima di conoscere Woolly Wormhead non mi piaceva apparire in foto, poi mi ha chiesto di posare per lei .... e ho vinto la timidezza! E 'stato molto divertente indossare i suoi cappelli e interpretare ogni volta una " Silvia "diversa, perché ognuno dei suoi modelli ha un'anima propria.

Ancora più divertente è stato scoprire l'armonia tra i suoi  cappelli e mio colore di capelli (che cambia spesso ! ) .
Auguri Woolly !

Before knowing Woolly Wormhead I wasn't keen to have my photograph taken or appear in photos, then she asked me to pose for her .... and I beat the shyness! It was a very funny to wear her Hats and interpret a different "Silvia" every time.

What was even more fun was finding the harmony between the Hats and my hair colour (which often changed!). Best wishes Woolly!


Thank you Silvia!

One aspect of my photography which I haven't really spoken about much is the way I manage to record many of the people who come through the Yard, mostly women. Not all of my photos are shot in Italy, I do quite a few here in the UK too, most often with family. But when I shoot in Italy, I work with whoever is there and willing to help. Quite often it will be a friend of the Yard or guest who could use a little extra income, or more regular Yardies such as Silvia or Alyx. Each in their own way has moved on to new adventures in life, and as much as it can be frustrating to lose a good model, I appreciate the work we've done together and have come to understand how it has formed part of what is almost a visual documentary of the Yard and it's many faces.

The photos aren't just of the Hats or even the environment and the artistic influences; they're memories. Moments of a particular day and point in time, of progress and relationships, all captured through the lens.