Woolly Wormhead

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Decisions, decisions...

We've arrived at that time when I need to settle on a cover for Playful Woolly Toppers! And it's tough this time as there's a couple of suitable candidates...



This was one of the first ideas I had for the cover, way back when. I like the composition of the photo, it's certainly playful, but I don't think the photo packs enough punch.. it may be styling, it's most likely the lack of colour or contrast. It's  still a contender, though, as the composition fits the theme just so.



This was the next version that I liked, and it's the one you'll be familiar with as the temporary cover. The Hat really pops in this one and although baby Urban is looking away from the camera and his eyes aren't drawing you in, the Hat design and composition are strong enough by themselves. I love the contrast of the colours of the Hat against the background, and how the robots compliment the wheel.



This morning we tried another photoshoot, and as much as we have nearly 200 photos of a heavy bottom lip or slouchy, begrudging shoulders we managed to get one or two great shots, of which this is one. It's not as playful as the first and is more grown up than the second but it has something... bright and inspiring about it. It invites you in, and although it doesn't quite capture the full theme of the book I think it will do a good job of getting attention.


And now I can't decide which one to use! I think it's gonna be a toss-up between the second and third options; part of me would really like to *not* use Aran on the cover and let someone else have the limelight (baby Urban in this case) but I am also ever so slightly biased about this last photo because it's such a great shot of my boy.

Think I'll sit on this for a week before making my final decision. I'd be intrigued to hear what you think!