Woolly Wormhead

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Another Hat in need of a name

My design mojo may be in full swing, but my naming mojo is slacking. This design is one of the Twisted Woolly Toppers collection, but you won't have seen much of it before now. Not that I was keeping it super secret or anything, just that I hadn't been able to get any decent teaser shots. These aren't the final photos btw, but a few snaps from the first shoot. (I'll spare you my thoughts as to why these photos aren't up to scratch ;)

It's cables are subtle compared to others in the book. Worked in a 4ply yarn with plenty of drape (you didn't think I could do another collection of Hats without including a slouchy one, did you?) it has wide, long cables, with smaller ones nested inside at the point where they twist.

It comes in two flavours - regular slouchy (in golden moss) and extra slouchy (in pale grey). We've had trouble getting decent shots of the golden moss version; the colour suits Silvia wonderfully but the camera tells a different story (hence our experiments this week with the camera - it *will* work) I don't think the sheen of the yarn helps; it is merino, but a multi-plied variety with lots of luster.

Has anyone any suggestions? I keep trying to think of something witty, along the lines of slack chains (thinking mechanics) but fail every time.

I'll offer a complimentary copy of the Twisted Woolly Toppers digital book to whoever makes the suggestion I choose (and will do the same for the other Hat without a name), and will announce the winners nearer the publication date. Fire away with your ideas - I'm all ears!

We're recovering slowly, in the flu bus. Indeed, it turns out that we've all got the flu. We're past the chills, fever and aches stage, onto the stuffy head and sneezing stage. Even Tom is suffering now; this bug is that nasty.

Right - onwards I must go. I have some teaching & workshop proposals to write, and then a book layout to tackle. There's no rest for the wicked sick!