Woolly Wormhead

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Twisted Woolly Toppers, the cover!

The cover is done! Well, there may be some more tweaking (I'm in perfectionist photo editing mode) yet this is how it will basically look, and after many false starts I'm really happy with how it looks. The type is much more crisp in real life, it's looking a little fuzzy due to the low web-friendly compression.

Photo editing is taking longer than I expected... and it's not helping that Tom is still avoiding the camera; his are the only photos we're really waiting on. I've been building a gallery in the Portfolio pages of various different shots, as I think this will help show different views and perspectives, many of which there just isn't space to show in the book. And the book's main webpage is growing slowly too - it won't be long before you'll be able to pre-order!

It's been a busy week; editing and layouts and more editing and then trying to decide which photos are better can be pretty exhausting. Somewhere in the last week I've had a birthday, too. I'm sure I'm not the first to celebrate less and less as each year passes, yet we had a nice meal out and I got a day off (which is always a bonus)

There's some new knitting on the needles, to help give my mind and eyes a break from the constant computer work:

Can you tell what it is yet?

Despite being forecast snow, it's a warm and sunny day which most definitely helps raise the spirits; spring is in the air. There's not long to go with the book now, so better get on, I had.