Woolly Wormhead

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I've published a boo-ook! I've published a boo-ook! I've published a boo-ook! ! I've published a boo-ook! I've published a boo-ook! I've published....

Indeedy, meself and Baba are home safe and sound. Who'd have thought that the latest stomach bug to be doing the rounds would have you hospitalised for 4 nights?!

Apart from being quarantined in a room by myself (presumably to reduce the risk of infection to new mum's and babies, but having the added advantage of having my own en-suite bathroom which I, erm, used a lot) the stay was downright boring. The NHS seriously need to catch up and provide bedside internet access. Honestly. The TV was trash, and was rather grateful for the crochet baby blanket which kept me out of trouble. They monitored bump constantly, but Baba was fine - fidgeting as usual and kicking back. I spent most of my time hooked up to a drip and rather fed up.

Anyhow, you don't want to hear the horror stories about diarrhoea and vomit and injections. Oh no. 'Cos look what has arrived!

That's me, in print! Wahoo! And I must say, it's looking pretty good :D

After all this time - it's done! Finished! I did it!

And...... (insert drum-roll)...... you can now buy a copy! Click here to be taken to my Lulu store. Is that link big enough? You can also find it from the right sidebar at the top.

Support independent publishing: buy this book on Lulu.

Haven't added a spiral-bound version as of yet (give me some time!) and the storefront colours are a bit naff.... neither have I added all the photos and details to the website..... as I say, if only the NHS provided bedside broadband.......

Meantime, I need to get on as I've a submission deadline today. Thanks for all the well wishes and support, and thanks also to folks for holding the fort. It'll be a while before I can eat as normal but I am mighty glad to be home and keeping fluids in :)

Now go buy that book!

ETA - spiral bound version now available! So that's the E-book and 2 print versions available... hope it is clear which is which.

PS/ I will catch up with emails soon!